SmallPhotoType of ItemAlternate Type of ItemTitlePriceMovie Posters IDABC
 British Quad-crown 30" x 40" wide - folded"BUGSY MALONE"- Paramount Pictures presents A Robert Stigwood Presentation A Goodtimes Enterprises Production of Alan Parker's BUGSY MALONE with Jodie Foster, Scott Baio, Florre Dugger, John Cassis 1976$250.00MP2334B
 British Advance 1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - Folded"BUGSY MALONE"- "There's Never Ever Been A Movie Like It." 1976.$100.00MP2334 
 U.S.1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - C condition folded"BUGSY MALONE"- Paramount Pictures presents A Robert Stigwood Presentation A Goodtimes Enterprises Production of Alan Parker's BUGSY MALONE with Jodie Foster, Scott Baio, Florre Dugger, John Cassis 1976$30.00MP2334 
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition rolled"THE VALACHI PAPERS" starring Charles Bronson - 1972$100.00MP2337 
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - A condition rolled"KING OF THE GYPSIES" it's ALMOST his time - Dino De Laurentrs presents A Frank Person Film starring Sterling Hayden, Shelley Winters - A Paramount Pictures 1978$80.00MP2340 
 U.S.1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - A condition foldedEllen Barkin, Gabriel Byrne, Richard Dreyfuss, Jeff Goldblum, Diane Lane. Everybody's Going Out With a Bang! "MAD DOG TIME" No Laws, No Meaning, No Exit. also with Larry Bishop, Gregory Hines, Kyle MacLaachlan, Burt Reynolds. - United Artists 1996$75.00MP2342 
 U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - B conditionMGM Presents GEORGE C. SCOTT in "THE LAST RUN" 1971$70.00MP2348A
 U.S. Insert 14"x 36" tall - A condition rolledGEORGE C. SCOTT "THE LAST RUN" MGM Presents co-starring Tony Musante, Trish Van Devere 1971$100.00MP2348B
 U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - B condition foldedMcQUEEN/MacGRAW in "THE GETAWAY" A First Artists Presentation - Directed by San Peckinpah 1972$200.00MP2350 
 U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - A condition rolledWalter Matthau as "CHARLEY VARRICK" The Last of the Independents - Produced and Directed by Don Siegel - A Universal Picture 1973$200.00MP2351A
 Japanese 1-sheet - rolledWalter Matthau as "CHARLEY VARRICK" The Last of the Independents - Produced and Directed by Don Siegel - A Universal Picture 1973$200.00MP2351B
 British 1-sheet 27" x 40" tall - A conditionWalter Matthau as "CHARLEY VARRICK" The Last of the Independents co-starring Joe Don Baker, Felicia Farr, Andy Robinson, Sheree North and John Vernon - Produced and Directed by Don Siegel - A Universal Picture 1973.$300.00MP2351C
 U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - A condition rolledGORGE C. SCOTT in "BANK SHOT" with Joanna Cassidy - Directed by Gower Champion - United Artists 1974$60.00MP2352 
 U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - A condition rolledGENE HACKMAN, LIZA MINNELL, BURT REYNOLDS A Stanley Donen Film "LUCKY LADY" - 20th century-Fox pictures 1975$75.00MP2353 
 U.S. 1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - foldedCircle Films present MILLER'S CROSSING starring GABRIEL BYRNE, MARCIA GUY HARDEN, JOHN TURTURRO, JON POLITO, J.F.FREENAN and ALBERT FINNEY - Produced and Directed by JOEL & ETHAN COEN - 20th Century Fox 1991$40.00MP2354 
 U.S.Window card 14" x 22" tall - B condition Top cutStanley Kramer presents SPENCER TRACY, FREDRIC MARCH, GENE KELLY "INHERIT THE WIND" co-starring DICK YORK/DONNA ANDERSON - Produced and Directed by Stanley Kramer - A United Artists Picture 1960$100.00MP2355A
 U.S. Window card 14" x 22" wideJACK PALANCE, IDA LUPINO, WENDELL COREY, JEAN HAGEN, ROD STEIGER, ILKA CHASE, EVERETT SLOANE, WESLEY ADDY and Miss SHELLEY WINTERS in "THE BIG KNIFE" Produced and Directed by Robert Aldrich - United Artists 1955$100.00MP2355 
 U.S.Half-sheet 22" x 28" wide - A condition - Flat linen-backPaul Gregory presents ROBERT MITCHUM & SHELLET WINTERS in "THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER" 1955$650.00MP2356 
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition foldedEdmund Purdom, Ida Lupino "STRANGE INTRUDER" - An Allied Artists Picture 1956$100.00MP2358 
 U.S. 1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - foldedPLUNGES YOU INTO A NEW CONCEPT OF TERROR... AND SUDDEN SHOCK!! "BLACK PIT OF DR.M" starring nobody... - 1961$250.00MP2359 

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